"Name TBD"

Genre: Turn-Based-Tactics

CodeName: Project Vulcan

Inspired by Advances Wars with the combat mechanics of a modern CRPG! Gridless movement and trajectory based abilities.

Manage your army and structures, position your squads to out-strategise your opponent.

Project Vulcan is played Online Multiplayer, Coop and PvP. And will probably release as Early Access in 2025, with a playable demo before that.

The game will have factions and commanders to choose from. And a series of environments to play in. The environment will be dynamically destructible.

This game will have 2 main game-modes: "War Scenarios" and "Skirmishes".

  • WarScenarios: 1-4 players Coop PvE. Wage war against an enemy faction. Each time you play, the world and the objectives are different!
  • Skirmishes: 2-4 players PvP. Classic battles between factions.

Project Vulcan will first release on PC (Steam/SteamDeck and Epic Game Store). It will eventually also release for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox.

VIDEO OF PROTOTYPE 1 (22 January 2025)

It is of the Skirmishes game mode, played 1v1.

Project Vulcan is currently in Pre-Production. I have recently finished working on a minimum-scope prototype I'm super happy with (the stuff in the video above).

I will now begin work on a nice-looking Game Demo. Mainly to find the usability and audio-visual targets. I will also create a Computer Player to play with and against.

With the Game Demo I will also decide the game's actual name, and will publish its Steam and Epic Game Store pages.

But I don't plan to stop there! Prototype 1 was about the minimum scope. I still have a lot of ideas and systems I want to try out and play with. So after Game Demo 1 is done I will continue with a Prototype 2 with a larger scope.

If you would like to support and be part of Project Vulcan's development, I've setup a patreon page you can join: "Patreon.com/BenerotEmpire"

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